FIGHTER - At the core of any "Succesfull" party.Without these hardy adventurers the spellcasters would have no protection and many a party "Espescially low level ones" would find their numbers dropping,and quickly. SCOUT - Although you will almost never see one of these people in battle you can bet that any untoward people will never see him at all.With the ability to spot and discern almost any living creature "and most non living ones" a scout is a welcome addition to any party.Not heavy on combat these agile and wiley people if given the right conditions will wreak havok on any unsuspecting person or monster by using their skills and abilities not just brute force. WARDEN - Being a man of the cloth can have it's drawbacks,although it is not seen this way by the Warden.Having the power of a Dragon flowing through his veins and bending it to his own free will appealing to many a person.While some choose the destructive powers many choose the road of less bloodshed. By simply stopping his enemy from moving many Wardens believe they have won the ballte already. NOTE THAT YOUR CHOICE OF ALIGNMENT WILL EFFEECT YOUR SPELL CHOICE FOR YOUR WARDEN MAGE - Pure Power.Those two words sum up the mage.For single minded obsession over the power of the coloured Dragons has made the mage phisically weak but an emotional giant in the game of life.If having the urge to do so the Mage can encase an enemy in Stone/Fire/Ice the choice is his.Lightning Bolts,Fire Balls,Acid Rain or a Poison Cloud it is he who chooses who lives or dies,only if he has the protection he needs to get the spell off.
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