What is LARP - LRP Spirit Of Adventure is a live action role playing game. This type of game is a combination of fantasy tabletop role playing games from companies such as TSR or Palladium, and live events such as medieval fairs and SCA events. The result is a fantasy game with monsters and magic, mock combat and adventure and none of the rising costs of SCA or other systems. Events could be single day module events or full weekend events. Module day events usually run on Saturday or Sunday, each module taking approximately 6 hours. Weekend events are run at an overnight campsite from Saturday mid morning night to mid morning, non-stop all this time is considered Time In. Combat is simulated using Latex weapons and a hit point based damage system. A character would have a number of total body and the character would call a damage amount as he swings a weapon. Physical contact except with Latex weapons is illegal, and all weapons are safety checked. This type of combat is completely safe. Magic and spell casting is simulated by saying a spell incant aloud and pointing to the designated target if the target is valid and within spell range the spell goes as planned if not the spell is wasted. There are many different races available in the Spirit Of Adventure campaign world. There are several different types of elves, dwarves, and humanoids, for a total of 15 different character races. If you are interested in playing or would like more information go to the CONTACT Spirit of Adventure page and choose who you would like to get into contact with and any question will be answered.